Partnership with Manfishers
The Bible is very clear on this fact: the work of the Church is not to be left to a few, but each member of the body has their own, individual role to play. Manfishers can not operate without your support and participation. We can't do this alone.
We need your help today.
Unworthy Apparel
As a means of generating revenue for supporting and underwriting our projects, Manfishers has created a line of Christian-themed clothing and merchandise called UnworthyWear. From stylish jewelry and accessories to apparel, as well as books and music, please visit our online store.
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Events & Seminars
Often times, nothing entices or excites others about getting involved in where and how God is working than hearing it first-hand from those who have seen the Lord's work up close and in person. From the plains of Africa, to the jungles of Brazil, to urban Europe, to the Katrina-torn Gulf Coast of the US, our missionaries have the first-hand accounts that will encourage and prepare your team or congregation for their first -- or their fourteenth -- mission project.
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Dear Manfishers Friends,

God has very clearly spoken, and we are responding to His instructions. In April of 2010, I received a calling to extend my education through seminary training. As you can imagine (or know from experience), this is going to be a major financial undertaking for our family, and I would be less than honest if I said that I knew precisely how we will address the costs.

Nevertheless, we know that God always provides, equipping those whom He calls for His purposes. It is from this position of faith that we respectfully request that you very prayerfully consider how you might help us. Like all of our efforts to raise the necessary funds to underwrite our ministerial and missional work,
we do not seek to displace any of your regular tithe to your home church. If God has blessed you sufficiently so that you may invest above and beyond your tithe, please consider a gift to help cover our seminary costs. Even a little will go a long way.

May God richly bless you and your family for all that you do and prayerfully give.

Unworthy, but His,

Nick Sanders
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