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About Manfishers
Maybe you're a little like me... (page 2)
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If you’re interested in learning more about how Manfishers can help your church or ministry develop a true discipling relationship with one of our partners in the field, or perhaps you’re interested in volunteering for an upcoming trip, please do not hesitate to contact us. We would be happy to talk with you more about your relationship with Christ and His calling on your life to follow Him and be a fisher of men!
Maybe you're a little like me. Maybe you have been taught a lot about God or are in many ways serving in the church. Maybe you grew up in a home where church was "just what you did" -- a responsibility of sorts. And perhaps you have since lost interest for one reason of another in church and/or God altogether. "Why does it really matter?" I'll tell you why...because God has a specific plan and a specific purpose for YOU. YOU were created by His design and to His exacting standards, and He has in store for you more fulfillments, joy, and reward than you can even begin to imagine now. "But I'm content with my life the way it is now," you may say. And that's great, but are you truly content, or have you just "settled in" to your current situation? You know, if you work in the kitchen long enough, hot plates and grease spatters don't tend to be so uncomfortable, and life can be the same way. Might that be where you are now? If so, consider this...

Suppose today were your last day on earth...are you absolutely certain that you would go to Heaven? Is that something you're still struggling with, working on, etc.? Rather, consider this: if God were to ask you, "Why should allow you to enter Heaven," what do you suppose you might say in response?

According to the Bible, Heaven is a free gift! Remember when I said I knew what God wanted to give me but I hadn't accepted it? That's where many of us stand today -- we know God is offering us this gift, but we simply haven't accepted it! And others think it's necessary to do some sort of "good work" in exchange for eternal life. Have you ever paid for (or tried to repay) a gift that someone has given you for Christmas, a birthday, etc.? Of course not -- that goes against the whole idea of the gift being just that a GIFT. The Bible says it is by His "grace" we are saved, and not of our "good works."

What is meant by "God's grace?"
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